Cindy has a passion for building resilient financially secure families.
When we strengthen the family, which is the smallest economic unit of society, we create better communities. And when we create better communities, we can change the world.
Define Your Formula for Living
to Enjoy Your
Life of Ease and Grace
Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties. Learn how to thrive despite limited resources. Discover how to overcome setbacks and barriers to reach your desired outcome with a smile on your face and peace in your heart.
Legacy Planning:
Giving Your Family a Generational Financial Advantage
How far into the future do you want your family to thrive?
Only 1 in 10 families provide an advantage past their grandchildren, the other 9 risk negatively impacting their loved ones because they
don’t know what they don’t know.
Personal Emergency Response Planning
First response teams plan in advance of a natural disaster to provide resources and relief to protect the lives and property of the people they serve and minimize the affects of the crisis. We do the same for families by helping them create a Personal Emergency Response Plan and train their first response team.
Care Plan for Aging Gracefully
What does quality of life look like to you?
The natural process of aging begins at birth and ends at death. In between are six stages. Understanding how the skills learned in the first half of life affect us in the second half of life helps us prepare in advance so that we can enjoy the quality of life we desire to the very end.
The Ultimate
Feminine Leadership Role
The Matriarch has unlimited opportunities to impact future generations.
The modern matriarch is no longer limited to the traditional role of organizer of family gatherings and keeper of the family story. She can expand her influence to impact unborn generations by managing her family’s development of skills and talents and creating a culture of family unity.